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Crafting an Effective Job Description

A job description is an integral part of the recruitment process and carries an objective. Its main purpose is to attract qualified candidates while providing a clear brief, of the job responsibilities, education qualifications necessary to carry out of the job, and the skills.

While there are several templates to a job description structure, a well-written job description will contain the following

Job Title Job Titles are generally standard industry roles ranging from 1 to 4 words and very much in line with the job description. Some common job titles such as Sales Executive, Production Manager, Accountant, Regional Pricing Analyst, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Finance Officer, etc. Complicated titles such as Development Management Researcher, make it difficult for candidates to understand the role purely based on title.

Company A two-four line brief about the company's business, reporting structure, team size, mission, and culture makes the job description unique and attractive. Any USP (Unique Selling Points) is even better to include here.

Job Objective

A clear objectives relays the KPIs and KPA that will or can be evaluated to the role's success. A direction and target helps the employee understand what needs to be accomplished.

Summary The summary generally includes the purpose of the job, the job location and scope of work.

The summary is an overview of the role, the growth opportunities, and its importance in the company's organization's structure.

Job Responsibilities The job responsibilities are generally bulleted with 1-2 lines per bullet point.

To write a good job description, first list down every task from the start to the end of work including team collaboration, reports preparation, client meeting, document preparation, internal/external arrangements etc. Once done, trim the job responsibilities to the top 10-15 most important tasks in order of importance. For each responsibility write down why (and how in some cases) the task needs to be performed

Education Qualifications The education qualification section includes the education level (bachelor's degree, master's degree, certification), training programs/skill requirements (computer skills, technical skills, soft skills, language skills) along with the expected level of proficiency in each.

The skills section will also include any personality traits and problem-solving abilities that are needed for the job.

The knowledge or experience level can range from basic to advanced with knowledge implying theoretical but no practical work experience. Work experience can have a range in "number of years".

Lastly, divide the skills into three categories: mandatory - preferred - optional.

"Mandatory" skills are essential to the position. "Preferred" would benefit the future employee but could be taught on the job, "optional" would mean does not impact the job immediately.

Compensation and Benefits According to the same survey, job seekers say that compensation is the most important part of a job description. Having an attractive salary or market/above market salary always entices passive job seekers. Salaries are usually advertised as fixed monthly (basic, housing, and travel) and variables (commissions, bonus, allowances/reimbursements, and other perks).

Salary ranges help your job stand out.

Others You may want to include additional information such as

  • How much of indoor and outdoor activity / time is involved?

  • Is there any physical / non physical work such as climbing, standing, stooping, lifting or typing?

  • Are there shifts and late night work?

  • Local and international travel and countries / regions to visit?

Edit your job description Be sure to take the time to edit and proofread your job description to ensure you’ve included all necessary elements before you post it.

Sample Job Description
Sample Job Description


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